AiTX Frequently Asked Questions
You have questions, and we (hopefully) have answers.
When and where does AiTX take place?
AiTX is scheduled for October 15, 2024 in Austin, Texas.
How do I register for a pass to the show?
Registration will open in the late Spring or early Summer 2024.
What is the AiTX Code of Conduct?
Every attendee must respect commonsense rules for public behavior, personal interaction, and common courtesy. AiTX holds a zero-tolerance policy for harassing or offensive behavior of any kind. Drugs and/or outside alcohol are not allowed in event spaces. Smoking (including vaping) is also prohibited, except in any designated areas. No weapons of any kind are allowed anywhere at this event.
Personal photography is allowed, but respect the wishes of any attendee who does not want to be photographed. Professional photographers who want to cover the event must be credentialed by AiTX.
AiTX reserves the right to revoke, without refund, the badge of any attendee not in compliance with this policy.
Participants finding themselves in a situation where they feel unsafe, or who witnesses another attendee violating this policy, should immediately locate an AiTX security or staff member so that the matter can be handled in an expeditious manner.
Who should attend AiTX?
AiTX is designed with small and medium businesses (SMBs) in mind, but is appropriate for anyone who wants to learn exciting new ways to leverage emerging AI technologies to enhance productivity, reduce expenses, streamline operations, reach more customers and drive desirable business outcomes.
When should I arrive and when should I check out?
Hotel information is not yet available. We recommend waiting until you register for your badge to book your hotel room(s).
Do I get a free badge for being a speaker?
Yes! All featured speakers are extended a free pass to the event.
What are the current Covid-related policies for AiTX?
The following policies are based on current state, local, and internal guidance. This information is subject to change should new health and safety concerns emerge.
1) You should NOT attend this event if you are experiencing a fever or any COVID-19 symptoms, have tested positive for COVID-19 within the past 14 days, or have had close contact with anyone who is confirmed or is suspected of having COVID-19.
2) Vaccination or negative COVID test verification is not required for attending AiTX.
3) Masks are recommended, but not required, unless required by the venue.
While we are taking measures to enhance the safety of all participants, an inherent risk of exposure to and infection with COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present, and attending AiTX may still pose a risk to your safety. By attending this event, you voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure of COVID-19. Failure to follow these guidelines may result in your removal from the venue.
Will I be required to wear a mask?
Only if the venue requires it at the time of the event, otherwise this will be your choice. If you would like to wear a mask we encourage you to do so.